Monday, October 11, 2010

Our Synagogue

Our synagogue is Adath Jeshurun.  "AJ" is a Conservative synagogue that was founded in 1856.  The synagogue was originally located in downtown Louisville and moved to its present location in the Highlands in 1957.  The Highlands are on the other side of the big park (Cherokee Park) that we live next to.  We are fortunate that the synagogue has undergone an extensive renovation over the past 2 years, and the main sanctuary is looking brand new.  Aaron will be the second Bar Mitzvah in the re-modeled sanctuary.

Rabbi Robert Slosberg has been the Rabbi of the congregation since 1981.  The Rabbi is a very thoughtful and affable person, and he was one of the main reasons we joined a Conservative synagogue when we first moved to Louisville.  Remember, Nancyanne was raised Catholic and she has not converted, but the Rabbi and congregation have been more than welcoming.  In fact and in keeping with the times, recent congregation presidents have been converts.  "AJ" is our Jewish home. 

Cantor David Lipp was named Hazzan in 1994.  Not to diminish the role of our Rabbi, but our congregation is very blessed to have Cantor Lipp.  Not only does he have one of the finest voices you will ever hear, but he also brings great passion to his singing.  This will be one of the highlights of your Saturday morning in our synagogue.  So remember to pay attention when the Cantor is singing.

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